Under conditions that evoke “the better angels of our nature,” we experience our innate capacity to honor, not violate, the identity and integrity of others. And we witness the remarkable things that can happen — within us, between us, and beyond us — as we learn to relate to each other that way.
~ Parker J. Palmer
Circles of Trust and Co-Creative Teams work together in harmony to facilitate the progress of the whole earth system, with all of its sectors, by tapping into the wisdom and compassion of the personal and collective soul. Circles of Trust create a resonance with our capacity for self-transcendence, connecting to our higher self. Co-Creative Teams create a cooperative and collaborative opportunity for addressing systemic issues that affect our community, both local and global. It will be transformed individuals who help evolve a transformed global culture in which the values of wisdom, compassion, and courage lead to greater peace, love, and joy.
As a result of participating in circles of trust people report:
- a stronger sense of purpose and integrity
- expanded capacity to be fully present to others in ways that affirm and heal
- increased skill in asking the honest, open questions that help others uncover their own inner wisdom
- greater confidence to seek or create communities of support
- increased understanding, appreciation and respect for human differences, based in deeper awareness of the identity and integrity of ourselves and others
- greater capacity to build the relational trust that helps institutions pursue their missions
- more courage to live and lead authentically
- renewed passion for their work or vocation
- a deeper commitment to leadership and service to others