Compassionate Eskilstuna
In the positive force that is in Eskilstuna and its inhabitants were created "Eskilstuna - The City of compassion" in the autumn of 2013 Within a few days the Facebook group members in 1500 and a week later signed up more than 20 people to be ambassadors for the initiative. Another few weeks later Compassionate Eskilstuna was inaugurated to the global network within the Charter for Compassion as one of the first cities in Europe.
The purpose of Compassionate Eskilstuna is to promote positive development, get more people to engage in charitable and cultural endeavors as well as inspire people to create a friendlier and more helpful city, a place that is better for everyone. The goal is to promote positive actions and create a "pay it forward" culture for our residents, fellows, and the entire city.
Compassionate Eskilstuna organizes events the year to celebrate humanity and warmth. For more information, please use the contact form or on our Facebook page.
Charter of Compassion is a cooperative effort to increase compassion and willingness to put themselves into another fellowman situation worldwide. The network was founded in 2009 and has since grown worldwide and has 25 connected cities, Eskilstuna is the first city of Sweden to become a "City of compassion" and one of the first in Europe. The global vision is a world where everyone is committed to live with the principle of sympathy with the aim of building a global movement that provides charter for compassion towards life.