Our vision is a Gold Coast in which compassion and compassionate action, as articulated in the Charter for Compassion, motivates individuals and communities to care for each other and to relieve suffering wherever it is found.

Gold Coast recognised as a ‘Compassionate City’
21 September 2017
Mayor Tom Tate today signed the Charter for Compassion, the foundational document of a global compassion movement which the Dalai Lama described as “one of the most important movements in the world”.
The Gold Coast now joins a growing network of more than 100 international Charter Affirming Cities and 400 community initiatives in 53 participating countries.
Mayor Tom Tate said signing the Charter is another step towards creating stronger and more cohesive communities, of fostering friendships and encouraging partnerships in our city.
“The Gold Coast is a great place to live, work and play. We want to live up to our reputation of being a warm, welcoming and inclusive city by showing compassion to everyone,” he said.
“We can all make a conscious effort to support the Charter by making our daily decisions ‘through the eyes of compassion’ and then by taking compassionate action.
“With the city soon to be on the world stage, it has never been more important to live by these universal principles,” Mayor Tate said.
Dr Lynne Reeder, Facilitator of the Australian Compassion Council said the City of Gold Coast is to be congratulated for its partnership with Compassionate Gold Coast, “facilitated by Terry Ayling, in their journey to becoming a more compassionate city”.
“This work of compassion is already evident in the lives of many individuals and organisations in our community.”
The Charter calls individuals and communities to care for each other and to relieve suffering wherever it is found.
Today the Australian Compassion Council formally recognised the City of Gold Coast as a Compassionate city.
For information, visit Charter for Compassion website and Facebook page: Compassionate Gold Coast
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