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Affirmed Cities

Rancho Cucamonga, CA, USA

City of Rancho Cucamonga’s Healthy RC Compassionate Community Initiative



The Compassionate Cities and Communities initiative strives to bring together our world through the commitment to effectively preserve healthy, equitable and resilient communities by using cooperation and collaboration. The focus is on the values of compassionate and kindness toward every member of our community within the local, national, global network. This movement of compassion directly encompasses Healthy RC’s vision, mission, and values to create the healthiest community possible in Rancho Cucamonga.


Statement of Purpose

Rancho Cucamonga is a Compassionate Community that values each person’s contribution to our City through culture, kindness, and service. The Compassionate Community movement is a practical and actionable way that all our residents can participate in creating a unified community. Adopting a Compassionate Community focus enhances the existing vision of Healthy RC to create a community where all generations lead vibrant, healthy, happy lives.



  1. Inclusive – We are committed to creating a community where all individuals feel welcomed to participate in creating a culture of compassion in Rancho Cucamonga regardless of culture, ethnicity, religion, background, or occupation.
  2. Transparent – We value open and honest communication where everyone’s opinion, ideas, and contribution are significant.
  3. Engagement – We desire to provide meaningful opportunities for our community members to actively participate in building a Compassionate Community through their actions, words, and involvement.
  4. Kindness – We see the heart of compassion as appreciating others, serving and giving to our community through acts of generosity, gratitude, and thoughtfulness as well as modeling an environment of friendliness and trust.
  5. Action – Our goal is to inspire people build a thriving, resilient, and compassionate community through their deeds and efforts.


Compassionate Cucamonga Challenges

  • Increasing community connectedness through events like the CommUNITY Paint Day project.
  • Breaking the stigma on mental health and inspiring acts of compassion throughout the community.
  • Reducing bullying in schools through our #BeKindRC campaign.


Rancho Cucamonga's Compassionate Paint Day Project

RC community goals and objectives:

  • Increasing our reach by empowering community partners to create their own compassionate projects.
  • Increasing mental health awareness and increasing community connections throughout the city.
  • Connecting the schools to participate in their own compassionate community initiatives.



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