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Affirmed Cities

Republic of Djibouti

January 20, 2013 letter from the Major of Djibouti supporting the Charter for Compassion.


The Mayor wrote:

"I was so thrilled to learn about your outstanding work you are doing in the world through your Charter for Compassion Initiative from Ambassador Mussie Hailu (Regional Director of United ReInitiative for Africa and activist of the teaching of the Golden Rule and interfaith harmony).

As the mayor of the City of Djibouti located in the horn of Africa I want to thank you on behalf of the people of Djibouti for your noble initiative and would like to express my support and appreciation for your work.

Ambassador Mussie Hailu came all the way from Ethiopia and informed me of all the great work and your colleagues and supporters are doing. He also informed me about the Charter for Compassion, Compassionate Action Network and asked me to join in signing the Charter for Compassion and to join in procraiming the city of Djibouti a "Compassionate City."

Since the Charter for Compassion is a document which transcends religious, ideological, and national differences and will help to build a peaceful world for all and the Charter inspires us to live according to the teaching of the Golden Rule, I am happy to inform you that I singed as Mayor of Djibouti the Charter for Compassion and proclaimed the City of Djibouti as a "Compassionate City."

I am also very happy to inform you that as the principle of compassion lies at the heart of all religious, ethical and spiritual traditions, and calling us always to treat all others as we wish to be treated ourselves, the city of Djibouti joined Ambassador Mussie Hailu in his effort to promote the teaching of the Golden Rule by proclaiming April 5th as Golden Rule Day.

I am looking forward to working very closely with you and Amb. Mussie Hailu to promote the Charter for Compassion as it is practical action that will help us to create a better future for all."



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