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Affirmed Cities

Sacramento, CA, USA

Compassionate Sacramento Resolution

On July 25, 2017, the Sacramento City Council passed Compassionate Capital Region’s draft resolution for Sacramento to join the over 120 (at that time) around the world whose governments have agreed to sign the Charter for Compassion as part of the International Compassionate Cities Initiative.

Below is the Commemorative Resolution issued on November 1, 2018.


The Compassionate Sacramento Initiative Launches

September 16th, 2018 was the kickoff for Compassionate Sacramento. Celebrating the launch through song, performances and powerful messages from speakers such as Elaine Whitefeather, Youth Speaker, Celene Aridin, Mayor Darrell Steinberg and Coucilmember Schenirer, Architects of Hope, Kim Gudino and many more. Informational workshops were an opportunity for folks to learn about some of the healing circles in our community. These workshops created the space for so many of us to share or thoughts about compassionate conversations, racial healing and our personal stories. We know that this is only the beginning and we can’t wait to see what’s to come.

To learn more about Compassionate Sacramento and the seven counties of Compassionate Capital Region.



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