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Affirmed Cities

Santa Monica, CA, USA

The Santa Monica chapter of the Charter for Compassion is a project of the Compassionate Action Network, a worldwide network founded upon and inspired by the Charter for Compassion.

We mobilize, strategize and organize Compassionate Action in Santa Monica, CA. by bringing our City Council, Mayor, other City Officials and the private sector together to to sign the Charter for Compassion and develop a resolution as an effective means of effecting compassionate policies, change to our community and lead by example. We actively participate in the Global Movement established by the Charter for Compassion and participated in the 2013 Compassionate Games from September 11 to September 21, around the globe. The movement is gaining momentum and transcending geographical divide. The vision and mission is to make it a sustainable movement at a local level through horizontal leadership and community building. Collectively we want to prevent events and tragedies that plague our communities.

Aware that our world is deeply troubled and polarized, and committed to make the world a better place, we work to establish and sustain a culture of compassion locally through diverse initiatives—education, healthcare, business, politics, governance, science & research and faith/ religious congregations. Through resources, information and communication platforms we help create and support local compassionate communities, institutions, and networks of all types that are dedicated to becoming compassionate presences in the world. Striving to be a vibrant Charter for Compassion Partner Network we welcome and communicate the sharing of information, stories and experiences that touch the work of compassion.


Useful Links

Facebook Page: Compassionate Santa Monica

Pinterest: Compassion Santa Monica

Facebook Group: Compassionate Santa Monica

Twitter: Compassion Santa Monica

Instagram: Compassion Santa Monica

Youtube: Compassionate Santa Monica



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