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Affirmed Cities

Sragen, Indonesia

Show Charter

Regent Agus Rahman Fatchur accompanied by the officials showed a Compassionate City Charter, which was signed in the Hall Sumonegaran Sragen Regent Official House complex, yesterday. ( Basuni H)

SRAGEN, - Sragen followed Banyuwangi, Purwakarta, Bandung, and Bojonegoro, became the City of Compassion (Compassionate City). Sragen become the fifth city in Indonesia and the 46th in the world, which proclaimed itself as the City of Compassion.

The declaration made after a meeting between representatives of local government with a number of Global Compassion Council. Charter of Compassion (Charter for Compassion) signed Fachur Regent Agus Rahman in the Hall Sumonegaran, Sragen Regent Official House complex, Wednesday (22/10).

Present at the time of Sragen and Board Member Muspida Compassion Action International Haidar Bagir. Regent said that the essence of the City of Compassion that is to create a comfortable area, a safe and has a high social concern.

"Vision network in line with the city of compassion performed in Sragen over the years," said Regent met after the event. This developed during Sragen government is how to do good to others.

After meeting with the City of Compassion network, such as finding clothes Regency what has been done so far.
After signing the charter, socialization would be intensified including the consistent and continuing commitment to perform a variety of programs that have been rated as an implementation of compassion.

"Implementation of the City of Compassion program should continue to be made to all citizens, especially those in Sragen. Form of services provided for the middle class will invest in Sragen through the Integrated Service Agency and Investment (BPTPM). And do not forget for the poor, among others, through the Poverty Reduction Integrated Service Unit (UPT PK). Moreover, in many local government programs in the future will be diekspreskan as a form of compassion to others, "he added.

Board Member Compassion Action International, Haidar Bagir, revealed that Sragen will be included in the network of the City of Compassion world. "Sragen fifth city in Indonesia which entered the city network of Compassion, is currently following around 250 other towns including Solo who will enter this network next month," said Haidar.

After entering the network, for example, every month there is a conference call, also every year there will be annual call. Furthermore, from countries that enter the network can communicate itself, including exploring the possibility of a twinning.

According to him, the launching of the City of Compassion is important for branding Sragen. "It does not mean to riya or show off. By signing in to the network also showed Sragen as a city that is comfortable, so that many investors who come in here, "
said the man from Solo.

(Basuni H / CN40 / SM Network)



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