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Affirmed Cities

West Sacramento, CA, USA

How We Began

Compassionate West Sacramento began with a small group of residents who believe that community is where people can connect to find common ground and shared purpose. Working together, residents, business, government, non-profits, and faith-based organizations can advance equity, community livability, wellbeing, and environmental and economic sustainability for all. The residents partnered with Compassionate Capital Region and several community partners to advocate for the City Council to adopt a resolution declaring West Sacramento a Compassionate City. The Resolution adopted unanimously on February 17, 2021 celebrates the abundant good works prevalent throughout the city and encourages more people and organizations to collaborate and join in compassionate action.


What We Do

The organizing group and partners, now known as Compassionate and Resilient West Sacramento (CRWS), connect organizations and individuals engaged or interested in becoming engaged in humanitarian and restorative activities that improve the wellbeing and resilience of the community. CRWS facilitates collaboration, mutual support, access to information and resources, inclusion, and participation in civic events and the public policy-making process.

CRWS maintains a Facebook Group, and website, to support communication and capacity building. CRWS also plans to host or co-host gatherings using various formats (online or in-person when it becomes feasible) to facilitate networking, discussions on various topics, and exchange of ideas.



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