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Build Compassionate Communities

Building Partners

Photo by Brooke Cagle,

Why is it important to build local partnerships?

It is a proven fact that compassionate community initiatives that have established local partners are most successful in advancing their goals.  Currently the Charter is working with partners in twelve different sectors (i.e., arts, business, education, environment, gender partnerships, healthcare, peace, religion/spirituality and interfaith (RISE), restorative justice, social services, social justice, science and research). Registering local partners automatically means that they become international partners. Partners lend their expertise to your action plan as they would at the global level as well.  It also means that you are broadening the ownership of the work that you are doing.

You can have your local partners register on the Charter for Compassion website under Sector Become A Partner( When we receive a partner from your community, we copy you on the acknowledgement through the Charter's welcome letter.


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