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Build Compassionate Communities

Child Care

Needs and Access

What are the options for child care in our 
community? What are the costs? 

Is there a need in our community for more options—especially more affordable options? 

Do places of employment offer child care? 

Are extended family members who take care of children supported by the community? 

United Nations Sustainability Goals:

  • Ensure effective learning for all children and youth for life and livelihood.

“The World We Want 2015” Priorities:

A Good Education


  • What is our community’s vision of child care?  
  • What are the policies (national, state, local) regarding child care? 


  • Are child care workers trained in the practice of compassion and in how to teach/model compassion for children? 
  • Are facilities/child care workers licensed to provide child care?  Are they periodically evaluated? 
  • Are the child care workers qualified?  What certification processes, if any, must they go through? 
  • Is quality child care available for low-income families including single parent families? 
  • Are peer-to-peer exchanges or time bank programs available?   
  • Are there protections in place to monitor workers and care? 


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