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Build Compassionate Communities

Communications, Technology, Infrastructure, Media

Infrastructure and Access

  • Is communication/information technology and infrastructure available to everyone throughout the community? 
  • Do the elderly, the economically disadvantaged, those with language difficulties, the developmentally delayed, and those otherwise marginalized have access and training to make use of existing technologies (for emergencies, medical information and appointments, news, shopping)? 
  • Is there training available to bridge the gap(s) 
  • created by variations in ability to access and use technology, information and resources (including literacy, skills, language and cultural differences)? 

United Nations Sustainability Goals:

  • Empower inclusive, productive, and resilient cities.
  • Transform governance and technologies for sustainable development.

“The World We Want 2015” Priorities:

  • Phone and Internet Access


  • Is there full access to those in the media to investigate and communicate issues within our community?
  • Do the people of our community have affordable access to a full range of media for news and information, the arts, education, and entertainment?


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