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Build Compassionate Communities


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Clean Air

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals:

  • Promote economic growth and decent jobs within planetary boundaries.
  • Improve agricultural systems and raise rural prosperity.
  • Empower inclusive, productive, and resilient cities.
  • Curb human-induced climate change and ensure sustainable energy.
  • Secure biodiversity and ensure good management of water, oceans, forests, and natural resources.
  • Transform governance and technologies for sustainable development.

“The World We Want 2015” Priorities:

  • Access to clean water and sanitation
  • Action taken on climate change
  • Reliable energy at home
  • Protecting forests, rivers and oceans

Does our community:

  • Comply with national ambient air quality standards see 

For detailed information about the U.S.  The World Health Organization (WHO) tracks the global clean air challenge:

  • Work to reduce emissions and health problems related to air pollution?

Clean Water 

Does our community:

  • Have water that meets quality standards for drinking, swimming, fish and shellfish, and healthy aquatic ecosystems?  Are test standards and schedules in place?
  • Have adequate sanitation and waste water systems?
  • Ensure against soil and water pollution by agriculture, farm animals, industry, and runoff?
  • [For communities with a port] Monitor port environment for health and safety?

Green Space 

Does our community:

  • Plan for, monitor, design, and maintain adequate green space (parks, protected natural areas) to meet the needs of the public as well as the sustainability of the environment? 
  • Provide space for community gardening, for “farmer’s market” to provide locally grown product to the community?
  • Have a plan to balance the needs of public housing, commercial development, and the development of public infrastructure (bridges, roads, buildings) with the preservation of the local and world ecology? 

Disaster Preparedness 

Has our community:

  • Developed plans for responding to natural or manmade disasters (including evacuation, shelter-in-place, coordination and communication, health and emergency care)?
  • Encouraged cooperation and shared responsibility (of the community and individuals) in the face of environmental emergencies and crises?
  • Developed a plan for the evacuation of pets and animals?
  • Offered free community training in disaster preparedness?
  • Developed a plan in place for post disaster PTSD monitoring and remediation?
  • Become aware of and use the standards set forth in the International Building Code?
  • Provided help in retrofitting buildings and large monuments to meet safety standards? 

Environmentally Sound Living 

Does our community:

  • Have materials and programs that educate about how to make a home and neighborhood eco-friendly and safe?
  • Promote affordable, livable and green building standards?
  • Provide adequate recycling and waste reduction services?
  • Ensure against “environmental racism” (low-income or minority communities in proximity of environmentally hazardous or degraded environments, such as toxic waste, pollution and urban decay)  
  • Have programs and materials to engage the community in the concept of environmental stewardship?


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