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What We Do

Phase 4: Evaluate

Build Compassionate Communities

Phase 4: Evaluate

Photo by Randy Jacob on Unsplash


As the movement unfolds, it will be important to evaluate what is happening in the community as a result and to plan for adjustments. It is also critical to plan for sustainability—a compassionate community is not built in a day.

Step 10:  Monitor and measure your progress, and continue planning. Celebrate successes; learn from unsuccessful efforts and adjust subsequent actions accordingly.  Then share your experiences and your stories with the Charter community –for example, by posting on the Charter’s website.

Remember that the Charter website includes many valuable resources to assist you—stories of other communities efforts and successes, toolkits to suggest resolutions to obstacles, readings about compassionate action that can inspire and motivate, and connections to other communities and agencies that will lend support to your efforts.  It also provides tools to help you measure and evaluate your progress—an essential and ongoing aspect of your work.


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