Online Resources
General Sources: Paths toward Peace
- The Better Angels of Our Nature by Steven Pinker
- Charter for Compassion
- Conflict Prevention: A Toolbox to Respond to Conflicts and Build Peace
- The Global Alliance for Ministries: an Infrastructure for Peace
- The Karuna Center for Peacebuilding
- The Martin Luther King Center for Creative Nonviolence
- Mayors for Peace
- The National Peace Academy
- The Peace & Development Collaborative Network
- The Restorative Justice Project
- September Eleventh Families for Peaceful Tomorrows
- United for Peace and Justice
Faith-based and Interfaith Readings
Healing and Reconciliation
Educating for Peace
- Facing History and Ourselves
- The Karuna Center
- PBS Transformative Teachers
- Peaceful Tomorrows Resources for Educators
- The Restorative Justice Project
- The Restorative Schools Vision Project
- Teaching Tolerance
- University for Peace
Military Spending