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Be a GoldenRuleistic Olympiad!

Our GoidenRuleistic Motto for more fair and fun games!
Inside our games and sports and outside them as well,

"Doing our best for all others, not directly and indirectly,
just like we would want done for us.

and of course, 

"Not doing to any others, either directly or indirectly,
what we wouldn't want done to us.


Cooperative Games?

Cooperative games are winners because they foster teamwork, communication, and mutual support among players. Unlike competitive games where individuals or teams vie against each other, cooperative games require players to work together to achieve a common goal. This collaborative approach helps build strong relationships and develop essential social skills such as empathy, trust, and problem-solving. Additionally, cooperative games create an inclusive environment where all participants can contribute, regardless of their individual skill levels, making the gaming experience more enjoyable and less stressful. By prioritizing collective success over individual achievement, cooperative games promote a sense of community and shared accomplishment, making them a valuable tool for both entertainment and personal development.


Fun Games for Fair Play

Spoon Relay

Get ready for a wobbly, giggly race!
Split into teams, grab a spoon and a small object like a marble or an egg.

Dash to the finish line and back without dropping it. Pass it to your teammate and cheer them on as they race.

The first team to get everyone across the finish line wins the relay!


Paper Airplane Race

Fold, fly, and soar to victory!

Each team folds their vest paper airplane.

Then, one by one, launch your planes and see who can fly the farthest.

Chest each other on and marvel at the amazing flights.



Cup Stacking

Speedy stackers, unite!
Grab some plastic cups, divide into teams, and get ready to race.

Stack up your cups into a pyramid as fast as you can.

Which team can make the tallest pyramid in 5 minutes?



Pass the Orange

Players pass on the orange! (Or another fruit) down a line using only their chins and necks.

Two teams line up shoulder to shoulder and try to pass the orange down the line without using their hands.

If it drops, start over. See how many successful passes you can make in a set time.



Sock Wrestling

It’s time for a sock showdown!
Everyone starts with socks on, and the goal is to pull off other player’s socks while keeping yours on.

On a soft surface, wrestle, laugh, and tumble around, trying to outsmart your opponents.

The last one with socks still on wins the title of Sock Champion!




The Floor is Lava

When someone shouts, “The floor is lava!” Everyone must get off the ground as quickly as possible.

The last person to get off the floor is out.

Or you can just play for fun and see who can find the most creative safe spots.


Games the Encourage Teamwork + Cooperation

Human Knot

Get ready to twist and turn!

Everyone stands in a circle, puts their hands in the middle, and grabs two different hands.

Now, without letting go, work together to untangle yourselves.

It’s like being a human pretzel!

Balloon Relay

Time for a balloon race!

Split into teams, line up, and pass a balloon down the line without using your hands.

Use your chins, elbows, or even your feet!

Work together to pass the balloon to the end of the line!

Marshmallow Tower

Using only marshmallows and toothpicks, build the tallest tower you can.

Work together to plan and construct your tower.

See how high you can go before it topples over!

Draw It

Grab a drawing pad and sit with your back to the group.

The group describes an animal by using non-related words. (Example: if the animal is a panda, you can’t say ‘bear’, but you can say ‘furry’.)

You will try to draw the animal they are describing.

Take turns.


It’s a hide-and-seek, but backwards!

One person hides while everyone else looks.

Find the hider and squeeze into the hiding spot until everyone’s packed like sardines.

The last person to find the group hides next!

Whisper Walk

Find a safe area where there are not a lot of things in the way.

Blindfold your teammate and then place 3 to 4 objects close by.

The group gives the blindfolded person verbal directions, guiding them to find and collect the objects.

Take turns!

About Sports



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Lives of the Athletes: Thrills, Spills (and What the Neighbors Thought)
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Good Sports: Rhymes about Running, Jumping, Throwing, and More
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