The New 3Rs, through the arts teaches Pre-K to 12 children, civics, African Diaspora Influences Around the World and the intersectionality of the social justice areas: animal rights, ageism, class, disabilities, environment, famine, gender, health disparities, race and religion. The children co-create a Youth Responsive Philanthropy Giving Circle, with the support of FJC and WISE award grants to the greatest needs nationally an internationally; thus, creating a More Civic and Compassionate Society … one child at time.
In the Work Place
Forbes and Fortune indicate narcissism and unconscious bias have created an unhealthy environment for some based on their race and gender. The New 3Rs curriculum uses the Arts, American History, Media and Gaming, and the contributions of the African Diaspora to the world to bring our perceptions of self and others to the forefront. Through Art Therapy and conversations about race and gender, The New 3Rs helps the workplace become more inclusive.
Pre-K to 12 Program
The American Psychological Association advises racial and ethnic socialization begin in Pre-K to ensure the success of all children. U.C. Berkley studies show the earlier a child forms and maintains relationships with others, the more likely the child will become a compassionate adult. Instead of America capitalizing on its diversity, its schools have deliberately become more segregated, thus not preparing America’s children for a more inclusive world and to succeed globally, with emerging African markets. “Turning the Tide” — a higher education report – advises moral development and a commitment to justice as priorities for schools and families.