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2010 to 2012

United Religions Initiative (URI) Regional Director for Africa, Ambassador Mussie Hailu

2010 Martin Bauschke's Die Goldene Regel: Staunen, Verstehen, Handeln marvels at the golden rule's global universality, understands how the golden rule functions to promote everyone's good, and promotes acting on the golden rule to lead to a better world.

2010 Mussie Hailu has the United Nations adopt April 5 as international golden rule day. Hailu promotes the golden rule with the UN, the United Religions Initiative (, and many other organizations.

2010 The Berenstain Bears and the Golden Rule is the first golden-rule iPhone app for children, besides being a book. Sister Bear gets a golden-rule locket and then learns to apply the golden rule when a new bear comes to school and gets ignored.

2010 Tom Carson's "The golden rule and a theory of moral reasoning," in his Lying and Deception, builds on Hare and Gensler and argues for this golden rule: "Consistency requires that if I think it would be morally permissible for someone to do a certain act to another, then I must not object to someone doing the same act to me (or someone I love) in relevantly similar circumstances."

2011 John Finnis's Natural Law and Human Rights, second edition, says (p. 420): "To violate the golden rule is to allow emotional motivations for self-interested preference to override the rational rule of fair impartiality."

2011 Germain Grisez's "Health care technology and justice" suggests that we decide government's role in providing health care for poor people "by considering available resources and competing needs, and applying the golden rule."

2011 Richard Kinnier's "The main contributors to a future utopia" gives the results of an American survey about what has contributed most to a possible future utopia (described as a time when the golden rule is universally lived). The top individuals were Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Buddha, Socrates, Lincoln, and Jesus - and the top events were the abolitionist movement, the bill of rights, the end of apartheid, the civil rights movement, and the feminist movement.

2011 NAIN (North American Interfaith Network) sponsors a three-day conference in Arizona on the golden rule under Paul Eppinger's leadership. It ends with a spirited singing of a song by Zephryn Conte and Rene Morgan Brooks: "Living the golden rule, we are living the golden rule, with our brothers and sisters all over the world, we're living the golden rule."

2012 Alex Knapp of Forbes magazine suggests this customer service golden rule: "Do unto your customers as you want to be treated when you are a customer. That is the whole of customer service. The rest is commentary."

2012 Felipe Santos's "A very brief history of the universe, earth, and life" (in his Humans on Earth) states "The golden rule represents a very important ethical step forward and is present in the main religions. We may only conjecture as to how different the world would be if we did not have that rule, or at the other extreme, if it was actually followed and applied by everyone."

2012 Olivier du Roy's Histoire de la règle d'or is a monumental two-volume study on the history of the golden rule.


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