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Who We Are

What Does Compassion Look Like?

In a Compassionate City

  • Diverse groups of leaders and citizens work with intention to bring the Golden Rule into every aspect of civic life.
  • Political and civic gatherings are marked by careful listening, thoughtful dialogue, vigorous debate and a desire to serve.
  • Agencies provide public services to support and cherish all citizens.


In a Compassionate Place of Worship

  • The Golden Rule is at the core of teaching and practice.
  • Strangers are welcome and all work to heal the world.
  • The Community cares for the poor, homeless, hungry, sick and grieving.
  • Justice is imagined and created through public advocacy and practice.


In a Compassionate School

  • Students learn how to listen to each other.
  • Service-Learning is part of the curriculum.
  • Students and teachers actively prevent bullying.
  • Students are taught to be global citizens and to treat others with respect and dignity.


In a Compassionate Business or Organization

  • Employees are treated with gratitude and respect.
  • Employees are provided with a living wage.
  • Employees are encouraged to take care of themselves with exercise, rest and meditation.
  • Employees are supported in doing community service.
  • All keep in mind the well-being of clients, customers, partners and supply chain.
  • Health of the community is a clear and action based objective.


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