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Archived CEI

Intent & Action

Intent & Action: How to Create the Daring Paradigm of Compassion


Program Purpose

How do we move through polarization and into authentic compassionate connection? It doesn’t begin “out there” with others. It begins internally with a change in our self — by consciously connecting our intent to our compassionate action.

This five week course uses the metaphor of the bridge to

  • Shift your paradigm to engaged compassion
  • Challenge your judgments, assumptions, and beliefs 
  • Identify what stops you from practicing compassion
  • Turn your reactions into compassionate responses
  • Reflect your intent to be compassionate in your actions
  • Make compassion your lived experience
  • Share your daring paradigm shift with others


Over the course of five weeks

  • Live a new, daring paradigm of compassion by strengthening your bridge from intent to action
  • Increase compassionate responses through the practice of mindful awareness
  • Limit the negative impact of your actions by integrating three foundational awarenesses: cause no harm, alleviate suffering, and take life as it is, into your lived experience
  • Recognize the triggers that cause reactions and lessen the hurt that results from reactions
  • Reduce compassion fatigue by re-patterning reactions into compassionate response
  • Become more mindfully aware through a routine of formal, informal, and spontaneous contemplative practice 
  • Increase your compassionate action by being present, understanding yourself, living with curious daring, taking an intentional look at your life
  • Increase your lived experience of compassion by creating and maintaining a bridge of your intent and action


Wanted: Communities wanting to increase their compassion in action.

Communities of 4 or more members that sign up for Intent & Action: How to Create a Daring Paradigm of Compassion receive a supplemental programs resource to use in real time with your group. Included are 5 compassion meditation & individual reflection prompts, 5 group engagement experiences, 5 calls to compassion action, and 5 compassion tools. (It is recommend that your community meet once a week in real time during the 5-week course.)

Curious? Enjoy this meditation.


Prerequisite: the desire to live with curious daring and courage as you become fully awake and fully compassionate.

Recommended: Engaging Compassion Through Intent and Action by Vanessa F. Hurst.

Investment for the 5 week program: $99. Register online.


 This program is for your IF you want to use the power of your intent and action to create a new paradigm of community through engaged compassion. Program is designed for participants to experience an online community of compassion. Groups of four or more who choose to take the class together receive a 20-page supplemental resource to use in real time community settings. 


Vanessa Hurst

Vanessa F. Hurst is a mindful coach, author, and compassion consultant who weaves her inner wisdom into all she touches. As a mindful coach, she offers Neural Synchrony™ sessions that bridge her and her client’s intuitions. She develops and facilitates results-driven resources for identifying compassion competencies, stakeholder/community building, and organizational culture strengthening.

She nationally presents programs featuring compassion, mindfulness, contemplative living, and intuitive awareness. She is the innovator-facilitator of both the Compassion Conversation© and Compassion’s Circle©. Vanessa is co-project manager of the Compassion At~Work project of Compassionate Louisville. This project gathers impact stories of compassion in the workplace.

Vanessa is the author of Engaging Compassion Through Intent and Action (Wildefyr Press, 2014) and A Constellation of Connections: Contemplative Relationships (Wildefyr Press, 2016). She nationally presents programs focusing on compassion, mindfulness, intuitive awareness, and contemplative living. She is the innovator-facilitator of both the Compassion Conversation© and Compassion’s Circle©. Contact Vanessa EmailWebsite.



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