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Global Read


hosted by Shane O'Connor



Living a GoldenRule-Guided Life

Hosted by the Charter for Compassion's GoldenRuleism Coordinator, Shane O'Connor

Do for all others, both directly and indirectly, what you would want done for you.
Don’t do to any others, either directly or indirectly, what you wouldn’t want done to you.


Date: Golden Rule Day, April 5th, 9 am Pacific Time
Check your local times using this date/time converter.

Cost: Suggested donation $10 US.
We will offer this program free to those whose resources are limited.


Watch a Recording of the Program


GoldenRuleism’s Foundation


GoldenRuleism rises from the expanded application of the moral and ethical precept most widely embraced by the majority of humanity. Many of us know it as The Golden Rule. Though The Golden Rule is generally rooted in the world’s major religions, anyone can choose to live by it. Our Number One Rule has universal applicability. Simply said, when we choose to live our lives in accord with the intent of The Golden Rule, we adopt sets of morals and ethics to guide us. They relate to what we internalize as “right” and “wrong” conduct. I encourage you to explore the definitions of morals and ethics for yourself. For sake of discussion here, I’ll note that morals are subjective, while ethics are objective. They’re related—but different. To succeed as a society, we need to constantly incorporate the omnipresence of both words into our thoughts and actions. Because it is rooted in principles of morality and ethicality, The Golden Rule guides us to show empathy and compassion for others--to act with benevolence in mind.

The author of the GoldenRuleism booklet prefers to remain anonymous, but they have made printed copies of the booklet available. For a donation to the Charter of $10 or more, we will send you a copy in the mail.

You may also opt to Download the PDF of the GoldenRuleism booklet and learn more about its background. Review some of the suggested practices and actions you can take. Here are some to consider:

  • Always find some time to make a phone call, even better, send a personal note to commend someone for “doing right.”
  • And, in the moment, muster the courage to ask someone to desist from “doing wrong.”

The GoldenRuleism booklet was written by someone who believes in the Charter's mission and work. If you too are in support of our work, please share the PDF with everyone in your personal sphere of family, friends, and extended networks. Let’s promote GoldenRuleism each day, every day, during the campaign and beyond. Start small with acts of kindness, be consistent in your practice, and watch it grow within yourself and in others.

About the Host: Shane O´Connor, GoldenRuleism Coordinator

Shane has worked internationally as a facilitator, trainer and educator in a wide range of areas from Peace and Global Education, Youth Work for professionals to teacher training workshops. He has more than two decades of experience working for local peace and human rights organizations, as well as larger International NGOs and educational institutions in the Global North and South. Over the past number of years, Shane has developed & led the CIT (Compassionate Integrity Training) Education Initiative and Coordinated the Global Education Network. He has also nurtured CITs strategic partnership with UNESCO/MGIEP. Now having joined the Charter for Compassion in 2022, in the Education Sector as the Golden Ruleism Coordinator, he continues co-creating and expanding compassion throughout the education community around the world.



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