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Photo by Ed Robertson on Unsplash
Pablo d'Ors Biography of Silence
David Gershon Social Change 2.0: A Blueprint for Reinventing our World
Karyn Ross Big Karma and Little Kosmo books
Patrick McKeown The Breathing Cure
Prof. Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish
Everyday Ubuntu by Mungi Ngomane
Joshtrom Isaac Kureethadam Laudato Si'
Laura Duhan-Kaplan Mouth of the Donkey
Peter Earley Crazy
Sara Schairer A Case for Compassion
Rev. Julie Brenton Rowe Why Peace And Prayers Are Not Enough
Scarlett Lewis Choosing Love, a Pathway to Flourishing
Scarlett Lewis Nurturing Healing Love
Healing the Heart of Democracy by Parker J. Palmer
Fragrance of the Qur'an: Reflections on Verses of Beauty and Wisdom by Imam Jamal Rahman
The Magic of Noticing by Andy Spragg
A Grandfamily for Sullivan by Beth Tyson
Religion Gone Astray by Donald Mackenzie
Magic Happens in the Unscramble Box
Awakening Wholeness
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