The MLK (Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.) Beloved Community Convergence includes the Weekend of Service (January 14 – 17), the MLK Birthday Celebration (1/15), Day of Service (January 17), and MLK 40 Days of Peace convergence (through February 27).
“Our goal is to create a beloved community and this will require a qualitative change in our souls as well as a quantitative change in our lives.” MLK
This hybrid on-line convergence and on-the-ground service projects exists to empower individuals, strengthen communities, bridge barriers, address social challenges, and move us closer to Dr. King’s dream of a “Beloved Community” where love and trust will triumph over fear and hatred.
An online convergence is a multi-day, multi-track, multi-session event that offers participants a way to contribute their gifts in Zoom sessions, as well as connect with other attendees to build alliances for the journey ahead. There will be an MLK 40 Days of Peace closing online convergence the last weekend of February, the 26th and the 27th.