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40 Days of Peace 2024

Crossing Borders


Crossing Borders

The Art of Empathic Dialogue

Co-creating safe/brave spaces for Growing Community, Compassion and Resilience

This is a unique and interactive virtual workshop that creates deep, intimate and personal connections in small groups, using breakout sessions. Because of the nature of the personal sharing of stories of overcoming, insights, thoughts, and feelings, it will not be recorded.



Join this workshop to build community and to share and listen to our personal stories of overcoming in a safe environment. This way, participants can foster emotional resilience and practice skills for the art of dialogue across difference. Crossing Borders Education (CBE) has developed a methodology that is peer-led and that uses break out rooms so small groups can be formed: these small groups will be the same for all three sessions so trust can be established between the participants. You are invited to find out more about the unique CBE peer-led methodology here.

The workshop consists of three sessions and will prepare participants to build trust and to form relationships so that they will feel safe to share their own stories (no story is too small). We ask for your full presence for all three online sessions, without distractions and with an open mind. The sessions are not recorded, to allow privacy and confidentiality for the dialogues in small groups.



‘In order to respond to global crises and social justice issues we will need to transform education.

I believe the CBE virtual peer method can make a significant contribution in that process.’

Charles Hopkins, UNESCO chair, York University, Canada


The CBE session on Emotional Resilience was such a powerful experience of connection and reflection. Listening deeply to others’ stories and having my own voice heard with empathy and acceptance gave me a strong sense of community that I find mostly missing from virtual professional spaces.

Dr Kris Acheson-Clair, Purdue University, Director of CILMAR





Facilitator: Linda Huskes, Crossing Borders Education



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