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40 Days of Peace 2024

The Transformational Learning Summit


Jan. 29 - Jan. 31

The Transformational Learning Summit

Conversations exploring the power of online learning through the lens of collaboration, community, and consciousness

When: January 29-31 2024


A transformational learning experience invites us to be together as we are. We slow down, listen deeply, and feel each other's presence. We share ourselves without fear of rejection or judgement. We surface what is unspoken but communicated anyway in a space of shared understanding.

Our world is in a state of disruption. A new future calls us to respond to today’s challenges with presence and purpose. Whether you're creating a group learning experience, building community, or leading a change project, you have the power to create a transformational space where people can practice new ways of being together.

This gathering is an inquiry into the nature of relational learning experiences that invite heartfelt connection, collective intelligence, and humanity.

Learn how to create relational learning spaces that cultivate presence, meaningful connection, and shared understanding. The Transformational Learning Summit will be a combination of live and pre-recorded sessions that invite you to connect with a global community of practice.

Participate in conversation with inspiring conversations such as Margaret Wheatley, Nipun Mehta, Bayo Akomolafe, Arnd Wachter and many others.



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