In August of 2023, the Parliament of the World’s Religions returned to the birthplace of the modern interfaith movement after 30 years away to celebrate 130 years of history in the city of Chicago. Parliament convenings attracted participants from more than 200 diverse religious, indigenous, and secular beliefs and more than 80 nations.
Registrants enjoyed access to all the plenary sessions, hundreds of breakout sessions, art & cultural exhibits, performances, a film festival, and countless opportunities to connect with individuals and organizations committed to justice, peace, and sustainability at the world’s largest and most inclusive interfaith conference.
The 2023 Parliament of the World’s Religions was hosted in McCormick Place Lakeside Center from August 14-18, 2023. The Charter for Compassion is a sponsor of the event and had a large display at the event.
The 1st Parliament of the World’s Religions, hosted at the historic World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago, brought together people of faith from around the world. Some like Anagārika Dharmapāla, A.G. Bonet-Maury, and Swami Vivekananda traveled for months and across continents to serve as representatives of their faiths, and many more journeyed over weeks, through countries, and across oceans to attend what would become the birthplace of the modern interfaith movement.
The 8th Parliament of the World’s Religions, hosted for the first time virtually, brought together people of faith from around the world in an instant. The virtual Parliament served as a safe way to gather the world’s global interfaith movement and celebrate the enduring spirit and work of religious and spiritual communities striving toward a more just, peaceful, and sustainable world.
Opening Ceremony + Venue
Opening of the Banquet
Charter for Compassion Banquet and the Karen Armstrong Humanitarian Awards
The Karen Armstrong Humanitarian Awards
Ron Nirenberg, presented by former Louisville, KY mayor, Greg Fischer;
Valarie Kauer, presented by Board member Anum Mulla and accepted by Tracey Garcia;
Charles Barker, presented by Charter for Compassion Sector Leads, Kate Trnka and Donna Mills, accepted by Conoly Barker; and
Scarlett Lewis, presented by Board Trustee Gard Jameson.
Marianne Williamson, Gard Jameson and Marilyn Turkovich
The Finale
Pato Banton and Antoinette Rootsdawtah Hall
Charter for Compassion Display Area
Retreat gathering after the Parliament
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