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World Summit of Nobel Laureates for Peace

World Summit

World Summit of Nobel Laureates for Peace

About the Summit

Nobel Peace Laureates, awarded organizations, prize recipients and Peace Laureates’ foundations from around the world will be present in Monterrey Mexico for the XIX Peace Summit. The host for the event will be the Charter for Compassion Strategic Partner, Encuentro Mundial de Valores (EMV). Each year, for fifteen years, EMV has hosted a global conference for human values and this World Gathering is a unique collaboration of EMV and the Nobel Laureates Committee.

The historic event will mobilize Monterrey in the spirit of peace – inspiring thoughts and actions for a more friendly, peaceful world. The Nobel Peace Summit is considered to be the largest peace-building conversation in recent times. The unprecedented number of confirmed Nobel speakers, listed below, is resulting in making this occasion in Monterrey especially important in proving the reputation and scale of the Summit. 

Monterrey the host city of the event is listed among other Summit host cities as Rome, Berlin, Hiroshima, Chicago, Bogota, Barcelona and Paris. The co-organizers of the Peace Summit are the Permanent Secretariat of the World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates, EMV and the Mexican Government and the State of Nuevo Leon.


Join the Charter for Compassion in Monterrey, Mexico

for the

XIX Gathering of the World Summit of Nobel Laureates for Peace and the Encuentro Mundial de Valores Conference

September 18 - 21, 2024

Centro de Convenciones de Pabellon, Monterrey, Mexico.



About the Charter for Compassion Banquet

Since 2014 the Charter for Compassion has recognized extraordinary individuals in their fields of endeavor who are committed to doing compassionate work. They do this work as national figures such as the former president of Ireland, Mary Robinson, who crisscrossed the globe as United Nations High Commissioner of Human Rights and now chair of The Elders, or Deogratias Niyizonkiza, who against all odds founded and leads the organization Village Health Works in Kigutu, Burundi.

Awards have been given to visionaries who know that Peace is possible, like Libby and Len Trautman who have led conversations in their living room with Palestinians and Israelis for decades proving that working together is much better than making war. Or to the Parents Circle—Families Forum of bereaved parents in the Middle East who realize the power of collective peaceful engagement. 

Join the Charter for Compassion at this year’s Summit, on the evening of September 19th, to honor two organizations and two individuals who can inspire compassionate action in each of us.

Click the Gala Banquet Box below to learn more and to register your attendance.


**official registration links coming soon**


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