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Practicing Peace

Practicing Peace

Practicing Peace

Photo by "The Battle of Briar Patch," Matt Sesow, 2008

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Adora Svitak: Child-activist Inspires Multi-generational Audience at We Day 2014

Arun Dada and Mira Ba

Thich Nhat Hanh and Martin Luther King

A Recipe for Compassion

An Incredible Statement of Compassion

Calling All Dads: Gratitude Letters for Mother's Day

Continue to be Kind to Each Other Through Eid and Beyond

Give a Little Love

Designing for Generosity

Shared Words, Shared Worlds

Empathy Heroes

Communicating Emotions: Useful Words

Empathy with the Enemy

How an Afghan and a Navy SEAL became "brothers"

For me, Forgiveness Began with Murderous Rage

Compassion Is the Working Side of Love

Forgiveness is Liberating: Desmond Tutu on Healing a Nation’s Racist Past

Political Empathy


Grace Happens

Inner Peace: Quotes from Zen Buddhist Master Thích Nhất Hạnh

International Day of Peace

LDS Bishop Dresses as Homeless Man to Teach Lesson

Leaders We Should be Watching in 2014

Love People, Not Pleasure

How to Become Productively Generous

Loving-kindness, Compassion, Joy and Equanimity

Can Prospect of World War Ignite Global Peace Movement?

Marina Keegan and the Opposite of Loneliness

Nobel Peace Winners In Japan Argue For Nuclear Ban

Meet the Generous Boy Who Collects Books for Homeless Kids

One Good Idea Helps Generate Another Good Idea

New “World Record” for Compassion Set

The Empathy Imperative

Travel for Heritage

Varieties of Empathic Experience

We Asked You What Peace Looks Like…And It's Beautiful

The Core Principles of Civic Engagement

What Happened When Strangers Saw A Little Boy Shivering Outside Without A Coat

Why Dialogue?

Where are the Syrian Refugees Going?

YO-MAD – Young, Ordinary and Making a Difference!

Harnessing the Power of Social Media for Conflict Prevention

‘To Foster a Culture of Compassion’

What Does Kindness Get You? This.

The Effect of Violence and the Choice of Non-Violence

Seven Paths to a Meaningful Life

For the Givers and the Takers

We Are Our Own Ambassadors

Learning to Apologize

The Golden Rule Rap

A Series of Poses for Fitness, Inside and Out

10 Little Habits that Steal Your Happiness

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry on What the Sahara Desert Teaches Us About the Meaning of Life

What Happened Right Before This Photo Was Taken Blew Me Away. I’ve Never Seen Anything Like It.

60 Selfless Ways to Pay It Forward

Sally Kohn: Let’s Try Emotional Correctness

Only the Brave Know How to Forgive

Six Meaningful Ways to Help Others

The Healing Power of Compassion

Back to Sanity: The Power of Empathy; Healing Conflict through Connection

Civil Discourse that Doesn't Taste like Broccoli

Religious People Less Driven by Compassion Than are Atheists and Agnostics

The Public Peace Process

A New Way to Pray

Pope Francis: Nonviolence is not Weakness

A Comedian Has Some Truth To Drop About Diversity, And You'll Want To Listen

Maya Angelou on Identity and the Meaning of Life

And Now For Your 1 Minute Of Inspiration — How Change Happens

No Longer Playing It Safe


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