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Peace Building

Peace Building

Peace Building

Photo by Trueffelpix: War and Peace on Dreamstime

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Trautman Urges Passion for Compassion

Carl Sagan on Moving Beyond Us vs. Them, Bridging Conviction with Compassion, and Meeting Ignorance with Kindness

A Brave and Startling Truth

Malala Yousafzai and Kailash Satyarthi win 2014 Nobel Peace Prize

Symphony of Peace Prayers Celebrates The Fuji Declaration Anniversary May 14th, 2017

The Fuji Declaration Brings More Compassion to the World with The Charter for Compassion International

Forgiveness – The F Word: A Conversation with Louisa Hext

A Radical Compassion

An Act of Conciliation and Peace Building

An Open Letter to the Leaders of Every Government Around the World

13 Nobel Peace Laureates Are Leading This Audaciously Ambitious Campaign

5 Spheres of Peace - Program Framework

The Importance of a Victims-Based Approach to Peacebuilding

A Human Approach to World Peace

Bloody Revolutions Fail: Now Is The Time For Peace

Peacebuilding: The New Generation

Peaceful Revolution? Gandhi’s Four Paths to Get There

Peace Culture

Realistic Challenge for World Peace

Arts, Culture, and Peacebuilding - XChange Perspectives

Building Cultures of Peace

Five Ways to Achieve World Peace and Prosperity

Empathy: A Friend of Democracy

Mindfulness, Compassion, and Wisdom, Three Means to Peace

No More “Allies”

Sri Chinmoy on Peace

Peace Movement AWOL on Aggression

The "Dictionary of Peace"

The Power of Peace and a Movement for Global Spirituality

The Most Dangerous Four-Letter Word

Why Violent Crime is so Rare in Iceland

No Bystanders

Nonviolent Conflicts in 2014 You May Have Missed

The Power of Love and Compassion to Stop the Violence and Start the Healing

20 Years After the Genocide in Rwanda: Lessons Learned and Unlearned

A Palestinian's Journey from Stone-throwing to Conflict Resolution

Alice Walker Highlights Empathy and Compassion in Historic Lecture

Australia, a Nation in Need of Compassion-focused Therapy

Because the Unthinkable Has Become Commonplace: From Sandy Hook to Seattle

Both Israelis and Palestinians are Losers in this Conflict

Can We Leverage Empathy to Stop Boko Haram?

Central Africa Peace Talks Open in Congo

Compassion for the Children of Veterans: How War Comes Home

Conscious Capitalism: Can Empathy Change the World?

Dalai Lama Encourages Dialogue Led by Children Calling for the End of Conflict and Violence in their Generation!

Do You Know How to Become a Better Listener?

Five Reasons Why We Serve

Give Peace a Chance: Israeli Students Meet Palestinian Leader

He Lost the Vote But Won History

Heartbeat Releases New Music Video "Hopeless Town"

If America Were Syria, Everyone Who Lives In New York City Would Have Fled

Is it Possible to be on No Side?

Israeli and Palestinian Teens Sing about 'Home' Together

It's Time to Confront Our Compassion Phobia

Making the Leap

Naming the Dead

Peter Leslie Wins the Dutch Compassion Award

Prisoners Write to Their Younger Selves

Seeking Works of Compassion, i.e. Fortifying that Nearly-Extinguishable Spark

Sixth Worldwide Meeting on Human Values, October 2014

The Dangerous Logic of Quebec's 'Charter of Values'

The End of the 'Developing World'

The Inside and Outside of Compassion

The Myth of Religious Violence

The Resilience Approach to Peacebuilding: A New Conceptual Framework

The Rise of Anti-Capitalism

The Seven Components of Strategic Peacebuilding

Today, in Israel, We Vote for Life and for Peace

Violence Holds Us All Hostage

We are Fragile Beings in a World of Fragile Beings

We Don't Want You Here

We're All Hiding Something

What Causes Wars?

Where is the Love?

Why the World Needs Compassion Now

Why ‘Triplomacy’ is the New Diplomacy

Nelson Mandela in His Own Words

The Golden Rule

Ways to Speak to People Who Disagree


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