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Interesting Articles

Visiting + Revisiting

Visiting + Revisiting

Visiting + Revisiting

Photo by Myopia/Hypermetropia by Vince Gordon, 2001

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Death Camps: Why did you Do and Say Nothing?

"Good" and "Bad" War - and the Struggle of Memory Against Forgetting

Gaping Hole to Mark Breivik Victims in Norway

Victim or Victimizer?

Catholics Without Borders

South Africa: A Beacon of Hope

Boston Kind: Stories of Compassion

Islamic Law: Getting Beyond the Bomblast

Boyd Varty: What I Learned from Nelson Mandela

How Sitting on the Floor in Silence Changes the World

Can Empathy Help Resolve Violent Conflicts? Mr. Blair Thinks So

Portraits of Reconciliation

Long War Needs Long Peace Movement

Settler Rabbi's Legacy of Peace Lives On

The Father of Peace Research

The Refugee Project: An Interactive Graphic

This 80-Year-Old Grandma Walked Hundreds of Miles to Retrace the Underground Railroad

Taking action against sexual violence in the Democratic Republic in the Congo

Tony Blair: Pain, Passion and Empathy – What I've Learned About Peacemaking

The Blue Dot

The Muslim Nation that Saved Jews

We Tortured Some Folks

Patriots of Humanity: Blending Patriotism with Compassion

The Truth about Being a Refugee

We Have an Obligation to Move Beyond Violence

Global Values - a New Paradigm for a New World

The Enduring Power of Anne Frank's Message


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