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Compassionate St. Augustine

Care Connect+

Reimagining Wellness in Your Community

Care Connect+ is an outreach program helping area residents connect with the resources they need to live a happy, healthy life. We care about connecting people to the resources they need but might not know where to turn for help.

  • Healthcare: We connect you to healthcare services such as primary or specialty care, affordable insurance options and medical vouchers for those who qualify.
  • Dental: Our team can connect you to routine and emergency dental services.
  • Prescriptions: We help you navigate programs available to offset or cover prescription costs.
  • Rental and utility bill assistance: Residents are referred to local programs to help with rental assistance and past due utility bills.


WELCOME TO CARE CONNECT+Reimagining Wellness in Your Community

Transportation: Do you need healthcare, but have no car? We provide rides to and from important medical appointments.

Housing: We navigate the resources available for emergency, transitional and long term housing.

Food assistance: We increase food accessibility through local food pantries, food delivery programs and enrollment in SNAP benefits.

Mental health: If you or your child needs support with mental health services, we find providers to fit your needs.

...And more


Our Vision

Care Connect+ will achieve better health outcomes for the communities it serves, through social innovation and increased coordination and access to community resources.


Our Mission

Care Connect+ aims to align community resources to end homelessness, promote positive youth mental health outcomes, address social determinants of health and advance health equity.


Visit out Website.



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