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40k for 40 days

February 13: Day 28

Day 28 - Paying it Forward, Working it Forward, Moving it Forward for Peace & for Dry or Rainy Days Ahead.

It's peace of mind to know there is something already in the bag that might lie ahead. Peace of mind can obviously lead to more peaceful actions for oneself and others and, in turn, more peaceful households, communities, and societies.

We can relate this, I suppose to any area of our lives, take climate or environmental actions we take daily. If we act in a more conscientious manner, in a more responsible, respectful, and mindful way towards nature and our potential impact, we are paying it forward and giving the next generations (in my case, my children's generation and even grandchildren's) the best chance they can have. This is a powerful motivation and allows me to be more aligned with my values when it comes to my actions that affect and connect with environmental impact.

Surely, it's the same for any other areas of our lives and our contributions to society in general? If I act in the present moment by thinking beyond myself and this day and to the potential benefits others may receive from these actions, thoughts, and words, this, for me, is working towards peace, being peaceful, and receiving peace back.

Knowing that I am moving a few extra kilometers today for times ahead when I may not be able to make my daily target for this particular challenge, feels like I'm moving with more ease, and amplifies the meaning for each pedal.

Applying this to the rest of my actions in my day is the next part of my challenge and thinking about my interconnection, my interdependence, and my capacity to affect others in a more peaceful means (or the opposite, but I prefer personally, to use the positive psychology model as an effective motivation.)

There is always a sweet point and a balance, though, that I am still learning about every day and far from an expert in yet! By doing too much extra and spending more time and effort, paying forward, we may not spend the time and effort as wisely on this day, in these moments. I like everything else that I am finding out in my life so far, it's practice and progress with each time we do something that allows us to find the most appropriate balance.

For example, spending too much time on the saddle and even reflecting today, means less time, energy, and capacity I may have to be with those I love the most; even though my motivation may well be compassionate, having compassion doesn't provide me with the solutions. Using wisdom and discernment to find a balance, a compromise, and the best decision in the present-to-present moment is also vital to lead me to the closest thing to peaceful outcomes I can find.


Shane O'Connor



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