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ArtistTree Project

Luis Frías Leal

Luis Frías Leal

Loving The Absurd, 2022
35.4 x 23.6”
Palimpsest of collage and ink on paper (not framed)

Loving The Absurd

Loving The Absurd is a piece from the series Possible Machines, in which y diagram blueprints for machines that solve social situations, even though they may only be possible in the artistic universe, in an attempt to broaden our real world. The piece is a palimpsest of analog and digital collage, drawing and journaling processes, starting with a piece of handmade paper from palm tree pulp given to me by artist Cinthya Gonzalez. The repetition of processes gives me the sensation of a dialog not only with myself (reflections about life and the creative process), but with other and the outside. This is a body thought of as a tree, as a point of connections.

Luís Frías is an interdisciplinary artist with over 100 exhibitions in museums and galleries of Mexico, USA, Colombia, Germany, Italy and Norway. He is very involved with artistic research specializing in the creative process and community projects, such as Habitar el Cuerpo: interdisciplinary program for artistic research, and Viernes de maestros (Friday School) with the Museum of Contemporary art Monterrey (MARCO). With the La Columna collective created the documentary on creative processes Modos de vuelo (Flight modes), that encounters artists from his state to dialog about the creative process. He has many awards and grants for his art, such as a selection for the 2° State Art Award of Nuevo León, Sistema Nuevo León para el Impulso Artístico y la creación 2019 (research and production grant)”, and the Programa Financiarte 2021 by the Arts Council of NL.

Visit his instagram profile.


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