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A Partnership for a Safe and Sacred Now

Photo by James Wheeler on Unsplash

Purpose Statement

The purpose of this Task Force is to provide a place at the Charter For Compassion that specifically addresses the work being done by our Partners and City organizers to insure women and girls are safe from conditions of all forms of violence and discrimination including but not limited to human trafficking, domestic violence, sexual abuse, workplace discrimination and bullying.

We will accomplish this by offering informative webinars and podcasts, weaving relationships within our network, and by supporting all to become more knowledgeable of their own community needs and resources.


To deepen the work of the Women and Girls sector of the Charter for Compassion which is to strengthen and support the work of the Charter Partners who are committed to provide a safe world for women and girls. We promote open communication, active listening, problem solving skills, collaboration, and healthy habits that contribute to healing of body, mind, and soul.

This task force was formed in the spirit of hope and inspiration for the purpose of connecting with and supporting those who work for the safety and honoring of women and girls. Our societies and cultures are deeply wounded with degradation, exploitation, and violence toward women and girls. Many of those affected have little or no hope without the services provided by helping agencies, their staff – often volunteers, and funds generously given through philanthropical gifts.

This task force is made up of women and men, some of whom have experienced personal trauma, deep shame, and grief in connection with violence against women and girls. We are inspired by the increasing awareness and willingness to stand up to widespread cultural acceptance of bullying, domestic violence, rape, incest, degrading of females, sexual harassment, and human trafficking.

Our goal is to fuel a transformative fire in which pain, sorrow, and legitimate rage are mobilized for positive action and change. There are times when this fire burns cool within us and we find solace in the work, and there are moments when we cannot face the task. But we are not alone. We find hope and inspiration in the strength and incredible spirit of the survivors and by all who do whatever they can to transform themselves and the world.


Nnaumrata Arora Singh, Brenda Gustin, Brecia Kravolic-Logan, Constance Leyland, Joan Marie, Rakhee Sharma & Betsy Spano

While the world focuses on a variety of anti-violence efforts, Women & Girls are exploring the conversation through the lens of Partnerism and the question "what else is possible beyond our current narratives?


Previous Call Recordings:

June 30, 2021 (The Imperative Partnership with Self)


May 19, 2021 (Circle Conversation on Partnerism)


March 16, 2021 (Weaving Compassion into our Stories)


February 17, 2021



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