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How to Engage

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Map Your Passion

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Map of Co-Creators

The Charter for Compassion offers all our compassionate friends the opportunity to become visible to other like-minded people. This will allow you to receive invitations for co-creations from other people who share your passion - where you live or from anywhere in the world. And it will allow you to reach out to others and invite them to co-create with you.

We know that there are millions of people in the world who are prepared to engage with others to co-create the world that our hearts desire. And there is a great need for everybody’s engagement.

Few of us are, however, visible to each other. We may be members of thousands of different global or local networks that are isolated from each other - within our organizations and even more so between organizations. And many are alone with a heartfelt desire to somehow contribute.

Thus, with the Charter for Compassion’s role of being “a connector”, we see a great opportunity in making all our compassionate friends visible to each other and experience the exhilaration of meaningful co-creations with each other. We also want to invite other compassionate organizations to offer their followers to become visible to each other and to us.

We have the potential for exponentially more impact by working together!

Please be assured that the information you share is safe and will not be shared.

THE BENEFITS of appearing on this Map are to:

  • Receive email invitations from people who want to co-create a better world with you. (Your email address will not be known to the sender, and you have no obligation to reply.)
  • Invite others on the Map who may be interested in co-creating a better world with you. (Your email address will be displayed to allow the receivers to reply to you.)


Appearing as a co-creator on this Map is an invitation to participate in perhaps the greatest adventure of all time … co-creating the world that all our hearts desire … participation in an evolution towards a more just and equitable world.

A co-creator is humble and open-minded, curious to understand and integrate others’ perspectives, and is motivated by a higher purpose, i.e.:

  • knows and feels that all of life is one interconnected whole
  • has inner peace and harmony, and has overcome the ego-based needs for personal recognition
  • can join others in heart resonance, and doesn’t work against anybody
  • is dedicated to his/her higher life purpose, serving principles such as love, heartfelt truth, peace, unity, and beauty.


If this aligns with you, please register on the Map of Co-creators.

Please remember to use this map to:

  • Receive email invitations from people who want to co-create a better world with you. (Your email address will not be known to the sender, and you have no obligation to reply.)
  • Invite others on the Map who may be interested in co-creating a better world with you. (Your email address will be displayed to allow the receivers to reply to you.)
  • Appearing as a co-creator on this Map is an invitation to participate in perhaps the greatest adventure of all time … co-creating the society that all of our hearts desire … birthing Paradise on Earth.



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