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22 Days of Compassion 2022

22 Days of Compassion 2022

Our Compassion Campaign for 2022—22 days long, starts on March 14th and goes through April 4th, although of course working for compassion never ends. On April 5th, the world will observe Golden Rule Day (GRD) and the Charter for Compassion will be at the forefront of this celebration by showcasing a global webcast. It is our fifth year of being a part of this event and the 22-Day campaign culminates in GRD.

The 2022/22 Day Compassion Campaign, while primarily a social media campaign, is one in which we hope to share information as it relates to the message for each of the campaign’s days. We will introduce the work of some of our partners, share information that should be vital in all of our lives, and hopefully stir conversation and interaction between participants, and most importantly to ignite compassionate action in and for ourselves, others and the planet.

Science tells us that practicing compassion and kindness not only makes us happier individuals but it makes us feel better as well. As we practice compassionate action, our bodies produce more endorphins, the brain’s natural pain reducer, we are slowing down the aging process and strengthening our hearts at the same time. Not to mention that kindness is most definitely contagious.

Join us in the campaign, learn as you’re doing it, share with others the ideas that are being shared with you. Let’s extend the 22 days beyond Golden Rule Day and work to promote GoldenRuleism: Do for all others, both directly and indirectly, what you would want done for you. Don’t do to any others, either directly or indirectly, what you wouldn’t want done to you.



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