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40k for 40 days

40k for 40 Days

Jan. 17, 2023

Dear friends of the Charter, 

I'm excited to introduce you to our "40Ks for 40 Days" blog series during our Martin Luther King 40 Days of Peace Campaign on the Charter's blog and through social media.

Shane O'Connor, our newest staff member, has decided to bike 40 km a day during these 40 days. 

While on his daily ride, he'll be directing his thoughts toward Martin Luther King, Jr., his legacy, things we, at the Charter, can apply to our work, how living a compassionate life is a way to honor Dr. King's teachings and legacy and what does that look like and mean; as well as the joy of living and appreciating the opportunity to do something in this lifetime, and then sharing his thoughts and insights with all of us through this medium. 

There's something so special and so infinite about doing a physical activity while having something to think about, something to get your mind flying high in deep thoughts, while your body does a repetitive physical activity like running, walking, dancing, or hiking... Your whole self can almost go into a trance. A contemplative practice that, instead of sitting down with your feet grounded on the floor and breathing deeply in meditation (which is also an experience on its own), is full of movement, pushing your physical limits, trance-inducing as your mind swan dives into an infinite pool of thoughts and emotions ready to explore.

It is a wonderful setting to think of compassion for self, others, and the Earth.

We hope you feel inspired by what is shared during the upcoming days, and if encouraged enough, to do something similarly physical or service-oriented during these 40 days and share it with us. 

You can reach us via all our social media platforms like FacebookInstagramTwitter, and LinkedIn, or via email at

With love,




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